Homework - due Friday 27th

1. What are the key differences between mainstream and independent film?
Mainstream media is targeted against multiple different audiences, appealing to all, whereas independent films tend to target one specific audience. Mainstream movies tend to make more money, and usually have a larger budget.
2. What technology was used to produce both JB films?
The 1967 version was created on transparent ‘cels’. Disney developed this by using a multiplane camera which photographed a much larger number of layers of frames at once of artwork, each at different distances from the camera and moving at different speeds which created the illusion of depth and a kind of 3D effect.
The 2016 version was created using cutting edge CGI – the animals were created digitally post-production and the one actor in the film acted against a blue screen. On the set, scenes were filmed using motion capture. ‘We motion-captured the entire movie before we filmed anything and we cut the whole film together,’ says Favreau. The effects team then built the film’s sets virtually, a process known as previsualisation (previz). ‘Everything was mapped against the virtual sets. We designed the sets like you would for a video game.'
3. Why do Disney remake classics?
According to Hasmondhalgh's theory, media industries are dominated by a small number of media conglomerates, who rely on the repetition of popular genres, stars and narratives to reduce risk. This is the reason why Disney remakes classics. They already have an audience and they know that the narrative works. They add more modern effects and new stars, which also excites people to see another version of the movies they love.
4. Name another film company that have produced a remake of JB.
Warner Brothers' 'Mowgli': Legend of the Jungle'.
5. Who are the 'Big 5' in the film industry?
Disney, Warner Brothers, Sony, Paramount, MGM.


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