
Showing posts from November, 2020


  Why is news important? It is important the UK has newspapers so we can be informed of national and worldwide events. It helps us get a range of views, which then helps us create our own opinions. To participate in discussions and debate. To be educated. In 2020, journalism is important. Without it, the truth can be shaped and we would never know. The press keep governments and big companies in line. Censorship Media is not censored in the UK, however, some information may not be released to the oublic if it is deemed harmful to the public. This is called protective coverage. Editors of newspapers can leave out a story if the believe it is harmful to the public or if it does not fit the political views and opinions of their newspaper. Blumler and Katz "Newspapers used to own a story for 24 hours, now they own it for 24 seconds"

The Jungle Book: Distribution

Distribution The process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience. Differences between JB1967 and JB2016 - which is the biggest difference? 1. 2016 featured live human actor vs cartoon 1967 2. Budget $4m 1967 (made $205m) vs. $175m 2016 ($966m) 3. Trailer for 1967 one included whole scene vs. more teasing trailer 2016 version 4. Tone of plot darker 2016 - possibly aa difference in genre 5. 1967 hand-painted vs. digital painting 2016 6. 2016 budget allowed for high quality very famous A-list stars 7. Cameras - 1967 multiplane vs 2016 CGI and photo-real 8. Minimal numbers of posters in 1967 version The distributer chooses which films to distribute - often from seeing the film at a film festival for example. They decide on the number of digital copies and pay for each. Negotiate the release date and site of exhibition - when/where. Agree on a budget and sequence a campaign across a range of online, audio-visual and print platforms. Online platforms include a website as centr

Homework - due Friday 27th

1. What are the key differences between mainstream and independent film? Mainstream media is targeted against multiple different audiences, appealing to all, whereas independent films tend to target one specific audience. Mainstream movies tend to make more money, and usually have a larger budget. 2. What technology was used to produce both JB films? The 1967 version was created on transparent ‘cels’. Disney developed this by using a multiplane camera which photographed a much larger number of layers of frames at once of artwork, each at different distances from the camera and moving at different speeds which created the illusion of depth and a kind of 3D effect. The 2016 version was created using cutting edge CGI – the animals were created digitally post-production and the one actor in the film acted against a blue screen. On the set, scenes were filmed using motion capture. ‘We motion-captured the entire movie before we filmed anything and we cut the whole film together,’ says Favrea

Unseen Adverts

Target Audience: ABC1 18-30,  female, Western Religious Colour: Shades of blue Yellow/golden It is clean and refreshing Religious Brand Identity: Logo on cans Text: Claims to be healthier "Believer" Mise-en-scene: Giving you the drink

Shelter Advert

Analysis Context Shelter is a UK based housing and homelessness charity ( less money to spend on advertising and marketing than commercial campaigns, hence more print based ) Campaign targeted liberal reformers and carers (Young and Rubican personality types), family orientated Main focus of campaign - to direct potential charity users to seek advice and help ( link with Big Issue strapline - a 'hand up, not a handout' ) Maintaining limited production values , campaign focus was poster ads plus Facebook and mobile messaging (only 6 weeks) Hopes for 'audience identification' with ordinary people in distress - a key selling point of many charity campaigns in this elements of social realism Dual target audience - those experiencing problems and people who can help via donation Socio/political context - effects were still being felt from the 2008 UK banking crisis (economy shrank considerably at 2010 end leading to austerity for more people than previous years). Ma