
Showing posts from November, 2019

Representation Across Newspapers

Newspapers use different techniques to present news and every news brand represents each story slightly different to other news brands. There are multiple reasons for this; they may have different target audiences, they support different political parties, or to stand out from other news brands for example. Here is one story and how it is represented across the different new brands. The story: Tom Watson stepping down as Labour deputy leader and MP. The Guardian: Tom Watson quits as Labour deputy leader and steps down as MP. Images/videos used The Guardian uses one video of Watson explaining why he quit deputy leader and stood down as MP. He explains it was "personal, not political". This is very factual, not appealing to anyones emotions for anything. Choice of language Very serious and factual. Lots of quotes are used to show how truly represented the story is. Screenshots of Twitter are used to emphasise this. What caught my attention The use of twitter screens