
Showing posts from October, 2019

Driving Test

Driving Test... Representation Audience Industry Language Representation: This is how the media portray events, issues, individuals and social groups. This can be used for good and bad. They are useful as the help industries create products suited to certain groups of people to gain maximum profit. They are dangerous as they can be generalised, creating dominant groups in society. Look at this VW Golf advert. The UK Advertising Standards Agency has banned this advert from airing in Britain because it depicts potentially harmful gender stereotypes. All the men were shown to be fun, off in space or camping whereas the women were portrayed to only be able to look after children and the household. This is a poor representation of society. However, stereotypes can be used for good, like target audiences. Target audiences can be defined with CAGED . Class (ABC1, C2DE), age, gender, ethnicity and disability. Key media theorist: Stuart Hall Hall looks at how media uses